A lack of play makes adults “more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, impulsivity and sedentarism.”1
Tags: Fitness, Mindfulness
Worldwide, 1 in 3 women over age 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures, as will 1 in 5 men over the age of 50. Physical...
Tags: Fitness, Health Education
Emotional. Occupational. Physical. Social. Intellectual. Spiritual.
Tags: Employers, Health Education
Tags: Employers, Health Education, Mindfulness
Occupation-related lung disease costs roughly $150 billion per year. Long-term exposure to...
Tags: Employee Spotlight
It’s late December and the new benefits year is upon us, so your employees are very aware of their gym...
Tags: Fitness, Employers, Mindfulness
At first glance it’s easy to understand why small businesses (under 500 employees) would be hesitant to implement wellness...
Tags: Employee Spotlight
Americans gain an average of two pounds a year.1 By increasing your step count daily you can combat this trend. “Walking an extra...
Tags: Fitness, Health Education
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